Septic Installation
We install:
- Septic Tank Baffles
- Grease Trap Baffles
- Septic Tank Outgoing Filter
- Lift Station Sump Pumps
- Lift Station High Water Level Alarm
- Fiberglass Lids
- Concrete Lids
- Risers for access to septic tank openings.
- Additional options include a safety screen and a concrete riser pan
Ocean Ridge Installation

We also replace and install:
- Drainfields
- Septic Tanks
- Grease Traps
- Lift Stations
Wawa Grease Trap Install
- Installation of a 420 sq. ft. gravity drain field using multi-pipe material.
- Installation of a septic filter in the outgoing baffle to prevent debris from reaching the drain field.
- Installation of a riser on the septic tank for easy access to clean filter and for pumping.

Pumped Dosing System for 1900 sq. ft.